Monday, December 22, 2014


A solidly engrossing and compelling motion picture concept possessing highly marketable ingredients, particularly in view of current trends. It is an outstandingly entertaining film property, laced with richly redeeming social significance and embracing thoroughly personable leads in the characters of 'CAMPBELL' and 'TADEMUS' - There is evoked a warmth, a sense of humanity--a brotherhood, if you will. There is comedy, humor and lightheartedness. There is tragedy and pathos--drama, conflict, suspense and action. All these elements embodied in this post-Civil War setting furnish a most propitious backdrop for the dramatization of themes bearing remarkable pertinence to the climate reflective of many issues and concerns of today.

There is an enormous audience primed and anxious to receive and to become acquainted with "PREACHER AND CO." We have an opportunity, if not indeed an obligation, to reach that audience with this acquaintance--one which holds every potential for proving to be an entertaining and inspirational enrichment.


Ulysses S. Grant, General (FSA)

Robert E. Lee, General (CSA)